Born on February 26, 1991 in Bormio, Italy, Gabriele Secchi is an Architect & Building Engineer graduated from Politecnico di Milano. A double degree program which prepares Students being ready to develop a project under all the phases of the construction: from the Urban context research to the 1 to 1 scale of the problem.
2019. Defining, designing and developing small scale architectural project such us private and public competition as well as direct client commission. schaudt.architekten bda
2018. 1 to 1 Collaboration with Gerber Architekten. Studying & experimenting long term vision for the city of Dortmund in all scales and inteventions (Competition Team). Gerber Architekten
2017. Focusing on studies about the integration of the skeleton structure in the architectural design process. As a group master thesis he developed the project of a Public Library located in London. The goal is to combine equally: energy, structure & architectural composition, and to define critically the modern paradigm of connecting structure methodology and architectural design process. LPL London Public Library
2016. Selected curator for the Egyptian pavilion RB//IC at the 15th Venice Biennale. Presenting a collection of successful architectural stories regarding their radical transformation within the present context. RB//IC 15th Venice Biennale
2016. Fall internship at “ArDeA Architettura Design Ambientale”, Lecco, Italy.
The collaboration with such an Ecletic Studio fortified with a competitive and multidisciplinar staff increased his complete vision behind different phases of each work. Being able to cooperate with experts with various heritage and background allowed him to implement his personality and ability to discuss and perceive from different point of view the problem related to each chapter of the history of the project. ArDeA Architettura Design Ambientale
2015. Summer internship at “Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG”, Basel, Switzerland.
Getting to know the behind-the-scenes tasks reinforced his sensibility for the coordination of bigger projects: being confronted with and experiencing such technical professionalism regarding façades gave him solid basis for 1:1 scale problems, specifically when it comes to transforming executive drawings into reality. EPPAG Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG
2012-2013. Exchange student at Tsingua University of Beijing, China. EPMA master program plus Urban parametric workshop at University of Hong Kong (HKU).
An opportunity getting to know East Asia’s culture, where he studied contemporary ways of how developing countries deal with globalization and foreign mentalities, and how the advanced modernity affects and creates generational gaps between the previous generation and the present one.
2011. Workshop at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Studies about the human body: how unconsciously it interacts with other objects under different circumstances, from a closed space to a crowded open plaza.
2010. Construction worker.
2009. Australia experience.
2008. Surveyor studio.
2007. Construction worker and waiter.